Aims and Scopes

The Pursuits is a national level multi-disciplinary research journal published by Research and Publication Cell, IQAC, Srikishan Sarda College, Hailakandi. This is an annual journal and publishes original research papers and review articles in almost all the fields of Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, Commerce and Literature which include (1) Physics, (2) Chemistry, (3) Mathematics, (4) Statistics, (5) Botany, (6) Zoology, (7) Economics, (8) Political Science, (9) History, (10) Philosophy, (11) Library and Information Sciences, (12) Commerce, (13) English, (14) Bengali, (15) Persian, (16) Manipuri and (17) Sanskrit. 

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Golab Chandra Nandi


The complete Editorial Board has been reconstructed recently and will be announced soon. Submission of Manuscripts Papers are received throughout the year for consideration for publication in Pursuits. A paper submitted to this journal will be considered for publication with the understanding that the same work has not been published elsewhere or it is not considered for publication elsewhere. A manuscript should be submitted electronically in a single pdf file to the Editor-in-Chief via his e-mail. The name of the file should be in the form surname abreviated name subject, for example, the file name ‘das mn physics’ may be used by some M. N. Das whose subject is Physics. The subject name may be abreviated, for example, ‘libsc’ may be used for Library and Information Sciences. Hard copy submission is not possible. If an author is not able to submit by e-mail, he/she may send a CD/DVD containing the manuscript file to:

Dr. Golab Chandra Nandi
Editor in Chief
Research and Publication Cell, IQAC
Srikishan Sarda College, Hailakandi
788151 (Assam)

Review Policy

Onward this year (2013-14), the papers submitted for possible publication in Pursuits will be reviewed by experts in the respective fields and the papers will only be published if they are accepted by the reviewers. A reviewer may suggest a minor or a major revision in a paper or may reject the paper at all for publication which will be communicated to the Corresponding Author. If a revision is sought by the reviewer(s), the author(s) should revise the paper according to the suggestion of the reviewer(s) strictly and no modification beyond the suggestion will be allowed. After the revision, the corresponding author will send back the paper to the Editor-in-Chief. The paper will be accepted over the full satisfaction of the reviewer(s) and no dispute in this regard will be entertained.


Upon acceptence of the papers for publication, authors will be asked to transfer copyright to Research and Publication Cell, IQAC, Srikishan Sarda College, Hailakandi. A form facilitating transfer of copyright will be provided to the Corresponding Author after the acceptence of the paper.

Preparation of Manuscripts


The manuscripts should be typed double-spaced in any typesetting software such as Latex/ MS Word. However, the authors of papers in Physics, Mathematics and Statistics are required to typeset in Latex1. MS Word users should note that they will use MS Word 2007 or later versions. Before sending, the file of the manuscript should be converted to pdf and the source file should be preserved as it will be needed for publication of the paper after acceptence.

Formatting of Text

The sequence of a manuscript should be

(1) Title : Every paper should have a possible coincise title.

(2) Author’s name(s) and affiliation with complete address and e-mail Immidiately after the title, the names, affiliations, addresses, and e-mails of all the authors should appear. Among the authors, one must be chosen as Corresponding Author who will be responsible for all communications through his/her e-mail. E-mail address of the Corresponding Author is compulsory.

(3) Abstract : An abstract of upto 300 words should be included after the authors’ names, addresses etc.

Latex can be downloaded from

(4) Key words : A list of 5 to 8 keywords or phrases that best describe the content of the paper must be included, separated by semicolons.

(5) Running head : A short form of the title of the paper should be given with a maximum of 50 characters. It should be noted that the blank space is also a character.

(6) Text of the manuscript : The text of the manuscript will be divided into a number of sections and each section will/may be divided into a number of subsections and so on. Each of the sections/subsections/ subsubsections should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. The first section should be titled as ‘Introduction’ and the last section as ‘Conclusion’.

(7) Acknowledgement, if any

(8) References: A list of References numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in square brackets must be placed at the end of the manuscript in alphabetical order of the surnames of the first authors according to the following styles:

Journal article:

[1] Dutta, M. N., Shukla, P. H., A Learning Algorthim for Bolzmann Machine, Cognitive Science, 62 (1985), 147-169.


[2] Upadhyay, X. J., The Elements of Style, Third edition, Springer Varleg, New York, 1979. Chapter in an edited book:

[3] Sharma, A. T., Siddiqui, B. L., Khan, Z. C., How to Prepare an Electronic Version of Your Article, in: Introduction to the Electronic Age, Jones, B. S., Smith, R. Z. (eds.), Unavailable Publishers, New Delhi, 1999, pp. 281-304.

If the number of authors is greater than three, use ‘first author et al.,’ in place of all the authors. The references should be cited in the text as “Upadhyay [2]” or simply as “[2]” or as“[1, 3]”. All the references in the reference list must be cited in the manuscript. This formating style of a paper may be a little different for language papers other than English.


Equation numbers should be placed in parantthesis at the right margin with Arabic numerals. They should be referred to as “Eq. (1)” or simply as “(1)”.

p align="justify">Graphics

All the graphics (other than camera photographs) should be prepared by using any graphic software and they should be placed at the end of the manuscript with necessary captions. A caption should necessarily contain a figure number with Arabic numerals like Fig. 1 or Fig. 1.2 and a description of the figure. The figure numbers should be in consecutive order. All the figures must be referred to in the manuscript with their numbers. After the acceptence of the paper, all the graphic files including camera photographs, if any, should be sent separately in pdf/eps format. The file names of the figures should be like fig 1 or fig 1.2 and must be compatible with the figure numbers.


The tables should also be placed at the end of the manuscript with necessary captions containing a table number like Table 1 or Table 1.3 which should also be in consecutive order. All the tables must also be referred to in the manuscript with their numbers.


After acceptence, one set of page proofs of the manuscript will be sent to the Corresponding Author, to be checked for typesetting/editing. No changes or additions will be allowed to the accepted manuscript at this stage. The editor will perform minor editing, if requires. After the completion of the proof, the Corresponding Author will sent back the paper to the Editor-in- Chief.


A soft copy of the issue of the journal will be sent to the Corresponding Author’s e-mail address.

Further Information

Authors can feel free to ask any query by e-mail.
